Professional lesson at home


lessons by Mickael G.

Join my courses and learn all of the techniques and tricks
you need to unlock your full potential.

Find out how to practice effiently to improve your guitar skills

Unlimited lesson streaming

Access a huge archive of lessons, with a brand new lesson released almost every single week.

Downloadable content

Save all the files on your computer to be able to practice offline whenever and wherever you want. 

Direct guidance & support

Something you’re struggling with? Ask a question via the Discord and I will respond rapidly. Exchange with other students and myself to get personal feedback on your playing as often as you like.

Membership includes:

perfect way to improve

My lessons are minutely designed to take your guitar skills to the next level. Courses and practice routines covering a large range of topics.

backing track library

Most lessons are packed with backing tracks for you to apply what you've just learned or even jam along with your own ideas.

Members chat room

Join in the exclusive Discord chat room and hang out with our community of friendly, awesome guitarists as well as myself!

Private Lessons easy to access

Slots are available to get one-on-one lessons with me where we can discuss any topic you want.

I’m Mickael Guerrero, Influenced by a lot of iconic guitarists, such as Paul Gilbert, Michael Angelo Batio, Randy Rhoads, Andy James, Jason Becker (and many more)

I’ve always wanted to be able to play breathtaking solos like my idols.
I learnt all by myself how to do it, and I want to share my experience with you so you can achieve guitar solos way better than you can possibly imagine.

You will learn how to build a solid technique and how to apply it to any jam track, so you can create your own solos and musics. Are you ready to take your guitar playing to the next level?

Mickael Guerrero

Unlock your potential

Are you feeling blocked, unable to progress? My lessons are designed especially for you.

Pricing Plans

Go with your right one


7 / month

Write your first solo!

« Through these lessons, you’re going to learn how to write and improvise dynamic, sophisticated guitar solos without ever running out of idea » 

Start now and play immediately

« You will build a strong technique, immediately applicable thanks to the many backing tracks included in the library » 

Regular new content

« New videos every week, going from a simple lick to fully detailed songs »

A connected community

« Join my chatroom to ask for any tips and share your experience with the other members including myself » 

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